
The Benefits of Going VoIP

Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is the transmission of voice WAN (wide area network - i.e. internet) or LAN (Local area network i.e. internal network), rather than a basic telephone line. This form of telecommunications is transforming the way businesses of all sizes operate — and there are plenty of benefits.

Did you know that: Switching to VoIP and having a unified communication system resulted in average savings of $1,727 per month in cell phone and long distance charges.

City-Com has helped hundreds of businesses switch their business telecom system over to VoIP which has boosted their productivity and improve their bottom line.

The Benefits of Going VoIP

Since its entry into the market, VoIP telecom systems have helped businesses of all sizes to:

Save Money

VoIP is cost-effective and will reduce your monthly expenses, when compared to a basic digital telecom system, by reducing or eliminating per minute phone charges, long-distance charges, feature charges, and equipment maintenance costs.

Enhance Customer Service

VoIP integrates with existing CRM programs and protocols to provide customers with the opportunity for improved self-service options and enhance your team’s responsiveness.

Increase Productivity

VoIP offers a wide range of functionality and unified communication to keep your team connected while working remotely. It allows simple access to messages from anywhere and at any time, and users can switch from a headset to a mobile phone with ease.

Accelerate Growth

VoIP is flexible and can work with both new and existing cabling systems to integrate communications and information from voice calls to video conferencing to cloud hosting.

Additional benefits of switching to VoIP include:

  • Lower monthly phone bills (inbound calls are half the price of a traditional line)
  • Unlimited long distance
  • Increased flexibility to route calls and connect team members
  • Increased ability to add features
  • Full, unified communications
  • Simple cabling and reduced cabling and servicing costs

Making the switch

At City-Com, we know that you have options and we want to ensure that you are provided with a solution that best fits the needs of your business. There is no blanket solution for everyone.

Before making the switch, our experts will come to your location to conduct a free assessment of your operations and existing systems — and they’ll meet with you to discuss your challenges and goals.

Then, we’ll review your unique situation and develop one, or more, solutions for you and we’ll spell out the ROI and the implementation process.

Changing your existing telecommunications system over to VoIP can be done in an efficient manner and have a long, positive impact on your business. Contact City-Com to learn more about how we can help your business switch to VoIP.

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